
  • Isgus Perfect 2020

    Isgus Perfect 2020

    Isgus Perfect 2020 Elegant and Flexible NOTE: product discontinued, we still offer service it Limited Quantity, contact us to confirm availability   The Isgus Perfect 2020 can be adapted to any possible time card through either selecting...



Terminals for Time Management, Access Control and Plant Data Collection

Isgus offer the ap­pro­pria­te ter­mi­nal for  Time Ma­nage­ment, Ac­cess Con­trol, Plant Data Collec­tion, sui­ta­ble for eit­her in­door or out­door use, as info ter­mi­nals or for off­line ac­cess con­trol.

Reading technologies

The ISGUS ter­mi­nals sup­port mul­ti­ple stan­dard rea­ding tech­no­lo­gies, in­clu­ding pro­xi­mi­ty and bio­metric/fin­ger­print iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, ma­na­ging all boo­kings tran­sac­tions re­lia­bly and ef­fi­ci­ent­ly.            

Biometric Technology

Bio­metric fin­ger­print ter­mi­nals are also avail­able for Time Ma­nage­ment and Ac­cess Con­trol. The ISGUS so­lu­ti­on pro­vi­des iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and ve­ri­fi­ca­ti­on mode, where the ad­di­tio­nal use of a trans­pon­der or the per­so­nal PIN code pro­vi­de a hig­her level of se­cu­ri­ty.

Digital Locking Cylinders

The in­te­gra­ti­on of di­gi­tal lo­cking cy­lin­ders enables you to up­date your lo­cking tech­no­lo­gy step by step.